In today’s digital world, the Nigeria oil and gas sector is pushing through digital transformation programs, geared toward modernization. Bulwark Energy is supporting these programs, with innovative technologies and aims to connect the dots to transform the oil and gas sector into one that operates digitally globally.
Bulwark Energy has been innovating digital solutions to help achieve the digital transformation in Nigeria’s Oil and Gas Industry. Innovation in technologies such as the Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA) systems, the Distrusted Control Systems (DCS), Drone-based Geophysical Surveys and Exploration, Renewable Energy, Big Data Analytics, and the smart and digital instruments used in companies and fields.
Digital transformation objectives & innovation
The digital transformation innovation initiative has major pillars that support it in achieving its objective. These pillars include Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) systems, as well as establishing command centers, such as the Executive Command Center (ECC), Renewable Energy sources such as solar and wind turbines, Mobility, Sensors, and AI-powered analytics

Furthermore, the digital transformation initiatives by Bulwark Energy focus on developing and upgrading IT infrastructure, which includes network services, composite hardware, software, and resources. This comes as the sector recognizes the crucial software and technologies for digital transformation. The digitalization program also includes Data Analytics Software and field development.
The objectives of the digital transformation initiatives are convenient and feasible.
The oil and gas sector’s digitalization objectives are to enhance the sector’s decision-making schemes and provide support when facing a crisis. Moreover, the strategy can help prioritize which projects should be implemented when it comes to technology innovation of the sector’s companies. It also takes into account the integration between the sector’s various entities, thereby connecting critical services to each other, standardization of designs, and the strategies needed to implement a unified system for managing the petroleum sector’s resources and assets. Through this Bulwark Energy hopes to connect the dots through digital transformation technology across the various service providers, and companies operating in Nigeria’s Oil and Gas Sector

Bulwark Energy Connecting The Dots initiatives, services, and solutions program further aims to connect stakeholders, the holding companies, and subsidiaries of the oil and gas sector together through a unified network. It empowers the industry to improve the existing information systems in various companies, which can help in developing and integrating them into an established centralized system. This can be executed by taking into account the integration with the existing industrial control systems in the sector’s various activities while maintaining the confidentiality of information.
Another objective of the Bulwark Energy digitalization program is specifying general guidelines for research and development of digital transformation projects that will be implemented to unify and integrate all relevant future projects and solutions for the petroleum sector.
Furthermore, Bulwark Energy has taken measures to prevent disruption in any company’s activities while digital reforms, solutions, and initiatives are being implemented. Additionally, it aims to cultivate a culture of change by facilitating enhanced professional interaction. In doing so, the sector will be able to accommodate the open exchange of knowledge, ideas, and experiences by bringing teams working in the industry closer together.
Digital transformation achievements
In light of these objectives, Bulwark Energy’s modernization initiatives, research & development will help the oil and gas sector achieve notable success, in cooperation with its strategic partners “Bulwark Energy is proud to be the country’s oil and gas performance partner of choice in its digital transformation journey. The progressive vision of the Ministry of Petroleum’s digitalization journey was a key enabler for key initiatives
To advance further progress in the digitization program, around 30 digital transformation projects have been initiated that are in line with several aspects of the Nigerian Government’s digitalization vision. These projects include proposed ERP projects across some public sector refineries. The ERP systems interconnect all processes within an entity. It supports digital transformation, especially when the user implements the ERP based on the best practices in the industry, in terms of system applications and business processes.
One of the most notable achievements that have taken place is the ongoing design of a panoramic ECC that will be introduced at the Department Of Petroleum Resouces headquarters in the Federal Capital Territory Abuja. The ECC is set to be a real-time data visualization and fully integrated center. It will have advanced technologies that support artificial intelligence and big data, in addition to advanced technologies that respond to market dynamics and optimize operational performance. This is all part of the Bulwark Energy strategy to identify new pathways to boost business efficiency and eventually unlock the sector’s value chain potential.
Adapting to technology
The Bulwark oil and gas sector has been using digital solutions and advanced technologies across multiple levels and activities.
Over the past two years, to cope with the changes imposed by the coronavirus pandemic, Bulwark Energy has been discussing important issues via video conferences. Companies operating in Nigeria’s Oil Sector can schedule meetings with Bulwark Energy via its website and have been resorting to real-time online webinars to ensure social distancing.

The path to digital transformation has been opened for Nigeria’s oil and gas sector, which is now adopting digital tools to progress both in the present and future. Bulwark has been supporting all the steps taken by the sector toward the digital transformation and empowering the sector’s companies to adapt to the new digital reality of today’s global market.